Celebrate Recovery
"Freedom from hurts, hang-ups, and habits"
Tuesdays | 6:30PM
Trinity Youth Area
Large Group: 6:30 – 8:00
(Worship, Personal Testimony,
Teaching, and Chip Service)
Open Share: 8:00 – 8:30
(Small Group Breakouts)
Refreshments: 8:30 – 9:00
Gar Cummings | cr@tagchurch.org
Dean Hunter
What Is Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt,
pain, or addiction of any kind. It is a safe place to find community and freedom from issues.
Most of us struggle with something that interrupts our relationship with God and others.
All of life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups are addressed through this one curriculum.
If you have anything that hinders your relationships, personal growth, or your walk with God,
you can benefit from Celebrate Recovery by finding the support and help you need.
What is a Hurt, a Hang-up, a Habit (3H)?
It is something that is stealing the peace God intended you to have.
Hurt — Emotional reactions to another’s behavior or a disturbing
situation (abuse, abandonment, co-dependency, divorce,
relationship issues, etc.).
Hang-up — Negative mental attitudes that are used to cope with
people or adversity (anger, depression, fear,
unable to forgive, etc.).
Habit — An addiction to someone or something
(alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex,
shopping, smoking, etc.).
Is Celebrate Recovery For Me?
You may be thinking that recovery is just for those who struggle with drugs and alcohol.
We’ve found that less than one-third of the people attending CR struggle with chemical dependencies.
Can you answer YES to any one of these questions?
Have you been hurt by others?
Do you struggle with poor self image?
Do you yearn for others approval?
Are you a people pleaser?
Do you struggle with fear of confronting others?
Do you struggle with depression, isolation, a lack of trust?
Do you find your only true identity in your work?
Spending too much time there?
Is your marriage in jeopardy?
Are you divorced?
Do you struggle with lust?
Do you struggle with Pornography?
Do you seek comfort through food, alcohol or other substances?
Are you a survivor of physical, emotional or sexual abuse?
Is a current friend or relative struggling with an addiction
If you answered yes to these, Celebrate Recovery is for you. CR is not for “those other people.”
It’s for you and me! “We all have sinned, we’ve all fallen short, we’ve all been hurt, and we’ve all hurt others.”
Everybody needs recovery and Celebrate Recovery offers a safe place to fellowship and learn from others with real-life struggles. Join us on this journey. Come as you are. Go home forever changed.
If you are currently struggling, reach out to us. cr@tagchurch.org
HOW DO I GET STARTED?It's very simple. Come to a Celebrate Recovery (CR) meeting on ANY Tuesday night at 6:30. Experience for yourself the healing power of God as seen through this amazing program of recovery!
WHAT HAPPENS AT 6:30?We start with a time of worship, followed by either a personal testimony, or a teaching on one of the 25 Lessons of Recovery. This part of the program is called the 'large group' meeting.
AFTER THE LARGE GROUP TIME, WHERE DO I GO NEXT?"If this is your first time to CR, we ask you to attend Newcomers 101, which is an informational meeting about how the program works. It is held after the large group meeting time. It's also an open forum for you to ask questions and voice concerns. You only need to attend the newcomers group one time before attending the open share groups. The next time you come, you will pick an open share group to attend.
WHAT ARE OPEN SHARE GROUPS?Open share groups are designed for you to share what is going on in your life in a safe environment. Open share groups are issue specific, gender specific groups that meet in separate spaces.
WHAT HAPPENS RIGHT AFTER THE MEETING?This is our community time. Join us for some delicious snacks and drinks and get to know each other, develop relationships and talk to others who struggle with the same things you do. Help yourself to the FREE resources we have available on the information table, which include issue brochures.